We Need You! Volunteers - Individuals
and groups are needed year around.
- Volunteer at your convenience for one hour, one day, or all week.
- Incentives with weekly drawings for store gift certificate.
- Areas to volunteer: thrift store, cashier, linens,
housewares, tag clothing, warehouse, and computer classes.
- Come and be blessed by giving to the Lord.
Donations - Give a monetary gift.
- Give new or gently used furniture, clothes, housewares, appliances, computers,
real estate, automobiles, boats, and more.
- Donation Hours: 8:00am-4:00pm Monday-Friday
- While some
of these items are given for assistance, most are sold in our store.
- The proceeds enable us to give more cash assistance toward rent, utility payments, and medications.
- Donate non-perishable food items.
We always have a need for items such as peanut butter and
jelly, soup, crackers, powdered milk, cereal, dried beans, rice, macaroni and cheese, toilet paper, washing powder, soap,
toothpaste, etc.
- All gifts are tax deductible.